
Hi there, my name is Wouter Hof - I am a Graphic Designer based in The Netherlands. I strongly believe that beauty derives from function and clear communication. The best solutions I found in design seem to derive from a child-like view on problems.

Study and Career

In the skills I've picked up along the way, there is one clearly standing out: thinking. During my studies, I've learned to work beyond any medium or format. Every client has their story, my role as a designer is to find the best suitable visual translation. Fellow colleagues would describe my approach to design as typographic, analytical and versatile.

After my studies, I became increasingly intrigued by the possibilities of Creative Coding. By immersing myself in Processing, I was able to combine my design knowledge with programming skills to develop interactive and dynamic visual solutions.

Crossmedia Design (BA)
AKI ArtEZ University of the Arts
2018 - 2022
DotControl Creative Data-Driven Agency
2021 - 2022
Junior Designer
HollandCentraal - concept, film & animatie
Junior Designer
Brndz - A creative, story driven digital agency

Get in touch!

Are you interested? Don't hesitate to reach out. I am always happy to hear about fascinations and occupations of other creatives.